Monday, January 26, 2009

Spring camelias

Since I likely won't get any craft items done in time today to take pics of, I decided to get some quick photos of my Camelia bushes out front - we have 2. The are very bright pink with double ruffled blooms - except for this one little bloom I found near the bottom - but I think he is pretty too.
I had a doctors appt. this am which was very frustrating because they booked me to someone who can only do the exam (you know that yearly female thing) but I also needed blood work, prescriptions refilled and had wanted some feedback on some shtuff - yup spelled correctly shtuff....
So once the first part was done I had to go back and do some 'strong negotiating' to get my prescriptions refilled and lab work done. I guess that the other shtuff will have to wait until I can manage to get another appointment (about 2 months average).
Once the 3 plus hour am doctors appointment was done, I had several errands to run and got back home in time to take my DD to her dentist (braces) appointment. I am hoping to get some craft table time when I get home.
Take Care

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